Art class

So, the other day, our art teacher told us to write about what we’ve learned in art class so far, and I feel incomplete. I don’t feel like I was very honest, but my honesty probably wouldn’t be very… Pleasant.
Either way, here is truly what I learned so far in art class:

I learned, that art class is not teaching us how to express ourselves, but more of, “is it good enough yet?” I learned that my emotions don’t matter. That shading is CRUCIAL. I learned, that my drawings are never accurate enough, that my paintings are never the right tints or shades, and that my enthusiasm in art… Is absent. Art class, as mine goes, is not art, but rather an instructional education. Art is supposed to be motivated. It’s meant to be special.

Dear art teacher,
“The problem is not getting the child to become an artist, but rather a struggle for him to remain one.”

Your degrading words have inflicted and jaded me. Thank you for that. Because I will always remember one thing.

No matter how much effort you put into it, no matter the costs, no matter the emotion, no matter the enthusiasm… It’s never good enough. YOU taught me that.


The un-stereotypical liberal

Liberalism. This political group, who backs up the belief of freedom and personal values(simplified definition), is fit into one singular group.
This group incorporates many stereotypes. The stereotype that is the most ridiculous is the common belief that a liberal will kiss anyone’s ass to get what they want.
Being the liberal that I am, I will explain to you how I work politically.
In contradiction to the common stereotype above, I will NOT kiss your ass. I will do what is best for the subject or the objective, and then look at extras.
I will NOT tell you false things that will soften you up for a later decision. And finally; after the priorities are set in place, and the decision has been played out, THEN I’ll worry about you.
The reason why liberals are deemed what they are, is because the minority of the people they deal with worry about “ME ME ME”. There’s too much shit to do before I would even begin to worry about a single solitary individual.
Now, that’s not to say that I don’t stand up for people. That’s why I’m a liberal. I worry for the welfare of the people.
I worry about gay rights. I worry about women’s freedom being purged. I worry that the people’s freedom is being cut bit by bit. I will stand by my thoughts and my true opinions.
But the previously said statement “I will not kiss your ass.” Not many people like to hear this, but I’m not changing my thoughts because you don’t like it. If you disagree with my notions; Bite me.
A new perspective on liberalism has been put forth. Whether or not your convinced, is your choice.


Music is an enigma

One problem of modern pop culture, is the constant notice of songs that are close to nothing in pure music value.
The worst of the bands, persons, or groups is the boy-band based groups. The reason for my saying this, is because of why they conduct their horrid melodies.
They usually concoct such rubbish for the recognition of teen females. I don’t know about you, but I find it stupid and irrelevant. Their music means nothing outside the range of women.
The other side of the spectrum is the songs that incorporate a lot of emotion and meaning. These artists and songs get bashed BECAUSE they have meaning.
I, myself, am a fan of said artists. My reasoning is because I can understand the lyrics.
“All I want is a place to call my own, to mend the hearts of everyone who feels alone.”– A Day To Remember
“Baby, baby, baby Oh!”– JB
which one is easier to interpret? Which one is more sincere? What are they directed towards? Next time you hear any song, ask yourself these questions. It helps, I promise.


Small town probs. -_-

     So I live in a remote little town in the middle of Minnesota. (location irrelevant) These freaking small towns are a curse inside of blessing inside of a curse. Here’s three of the god-knows-how-many reasons;

     One reason is the speed of rumor distribution. ANYTHING that seems even remotely interesting is spread faster than anything you’ve ever seen. I once slipped and fell down a set of THREE FREAKING STAIRS, and my mother was on the topic by the time I got home!!! All I can say is that it’s crazy.

     Another reason is because of the fact that my school (in general) is filled with ignorance and stupidity. The few that exceed in that aspect are usually put down for the football players and the wrestlers. Aaaaaannd thats why I hang out with them when I can. I kind of feel bad for them, yet I also know that they’re the ones who are going to have a better future. (based on average outcomes)

     Lastly (to save you time), THERE’S NOT MANY WIFI HOTSPOTS!!!! Not that I necessarily need it, but it would be appreciated if the proper arrangements were made to entertain the average teenager such as myself.



Grouping??? why?!

     One freaking topic that is beginning to really get on my bad side is this grouping bull crap. “She’s a wh*re, he’s a jock, he’s a nerd.” I literally don’t give anything close to a f*ck about who you are or what you like. Say your name, say your name, and BAMB!!! We’re friends. Just like that.

     The specific groups that are getting put under the crusher WAY TO MUCH are broneys and anime people. (NOTE: I like anime, but the My Little Pony show isn’t in my list of intrests.) These are what are called ‘humans’ if you where not aware. Just like you and me, these poor souls live on earth, eat, sleep, and fart just like the rest of us. What they like does not mean they’re of another species.

     Another point that I’d love to throw out there is; if you’re going to put them down, DON’T DO IT OVER THE COMPUTER!!! It makes you look like an idiot. Just saying.

     Now think to yourself, “Right now, I’m behind an electronic device reading some bloggers post.” ANYONE could come out and call you a geek, a nerd, or a no-life slacker. Are they going to? No. Am I? No.

     Enough of my rant before I drag it on any further. The next time you want to insult someone for their hobbies and likes (not insinuating that you would) think of how George Washington would react to the total amount of time you spend on any electroninc.

