Odd inside

One of the things that makes me think too hard is the fact that, the more fights I hear and experience about the gay pride vs the anti-gays, the more bisexual I seem to become.
No freaking joke, I’m beginning to worry; though, I also am enjoying it a bit. But I’m wondering if it my compassionate side going all fuzzle on me, or if I am legitimately bi…
Either way, I’ve begun noticing people’s eyes a lot more lately too. Grey eyes are just beautiful to me. Hmm…



Not to be confused with sexual actions with fire; pyrophelia is the love for fire and other heat-giving elements. I have this.
I, myself, am very skinny, which of course means that I am absent of the fat that is meant to insulate my body. This makes me absurdly cold at the worst of times.
See why I like fire yet? I literally would rather die of heat exposure than from freezing. It’s just my preference.
Either way, I thought I’d just straighten out the definition a bit more for you.